Please follow the step by step guide below to add a new question to your referral form.

  1. In your browser go to **** and login

  2. Hover on the letter in the circle in the top right-hand corner. Usually, this will be the first letter of your initials.

    Screenshot 2022-02-22 114636.png

  3. Once you hover over this, you should see a number of options open up like this image below.

  4. Select the option that says ‘My Listings’.

    Screenshot 2022-02-24 142100.png

  5. This will bring up all of the listings that you are currently active. Please select the listing where you’d like to update the referral form. In this example, it’s the bereavement service training.

    Screenshot 2022-02-24 142321.png

  6. Clicking on the title of the listing will load the listing page. This is all information that is currently shown on Joy, but with the choice of additional options to editing at the right hand side.

  7. Please find and select the ‘Manage service referral form’.


  8. Select ‘Edit forms’


  9. Choose which questions you would like to be required fields (grey means it is not required)


  10. If you would like to add a custom question, select ‘Add custom question’ next to ‘Additional referral details’


  11. If you would like to customise the reasons for a referral, select ‘view options’


  12. You can untick any options you would not like to be an option


  13. To add a reason, please select ‘add option’


  14. Once you have added all the questions you would like, hit ‘Save and publish’

  15. Congratulations, you have edited your referral form! 🙌

Here is a video demonstration of how to manage our referral forms.