If you would like to add another service to Joy, please follow the step by step guide below:
In your internet browser go to services.thejoyapp.com
Click on the ‘Add a new Service’ button in the top corner. If you haven’t created a Joy account you will need to do this now
Please then select if this service is Paid or Free.
If you select Paid, you will need to select the listing type that is most appropriate. The options are below:
Once you have selected if your listing is paid or free, you’ll be prompted to complete the details about the listing.
Firstly, please input an appropriate title about your service. Usually, the name of your service.
If you did select a paid service, you will be prompted to input the cost details about your service. This will change depending on the type of payment you have selected.
Please then input the details about your service. You’d want as many details as possible to make sure that everyone fully understands what your service is. Also, you do have formatting options here as well, so feel free to make things bold or add in links.
Please also add a website link to the listing. Please use the specific website page for your service details page as our AI software will scan and prompt you to update the listing if anything has changed on the website.
Next, you want to add all of the criteria that the clients need to have to be able to access your service. For example, if your patients need to be 18+ or live in a certain area, then you’d want to input it here.
Please select the relevant criteria for your service. For example, if you are a charity that helps people get active, please select ‘Getting Active’ or ‘Healthy Lifestyle’
If you are able to serve additional needs, please do select them.
Please input the number of weeks that a patient might need to wait if you have a waiting list.
Use Keywords! Using and adding keywords will help users find your service easily.For example, if you are working at a charity to get people active, please input things like Getting active, workout, healthy living, etc.
Please select your location
Please add any relevant pictures. We would suggest adding a logo of your service.
You can select how you want to receive referrals. We would recommend using the Joy instant referrals as it is the easiest method and provides advanced data insights into the referrals. if you do not want to choose the Joy Instant referral, please select that option and follow the relevant instructions about it.
You can select if you want it public or unlisted. We would suggest public unless you’d like to spend some more time reviewing the listing. If it is unlisted you won’t receive any referrals.
You can also select who can refer. For example, if you can only accept self-referrals, this is where you can update it.
Finally, you can select the most relevant email for receiving referrals and also input a secondary email as well.
Once you are happy, please select Submit for review. Once you click on that button, it’ll send an email to the Joy team who will need to do a quick review before it can go live.
Congratulations, you have now added your listing to the Joy Marketplace 🙌